Version 5.2.1

Discover the latest developments in this intermediate version: alerts on data transfers, review of tools and third parties, addition of security measures to data breaches, and display of the identifier in forms.

Alert messages on data transfer

From the Processing forms or Contract , the summary of third parties (processors, partners, organizations, etc.) displays their country of establishment from the Processing forms.

The list of these countries is now visible under the Transfers field label.

Alert messages highlight inconsistencies in responses to potential transfers.. Indeed, third parties are not necessarily importers or recipients of the data; they can also be exporters or the originators of the data.

You can verify the consistency of your responses by displaying the column. on the list:

Evaluation of tools and third parties

Associate an evaluation and an action plan with your tools or third party It is possible to fill in these fields from the list by pressing CTRL + Click on the box.

The Evaluation field is also accessible on the form, at the top of the Description tab. The evaluation criteria are "Non-compliant", "Improvable", "Acceptable" or "Good practice"

You can create and associate activities to third parties or tools from the Links tab.

The evaluations are displayed in the summaries of third parties or tools in the Processing forms or Contract

Addition of the Security Measures component to the Data Breach form

Associate the security measures implemented following a data breach:

Display of the identifier in the form

It is sometimes easier to communicate or remember the identifier of a form. This is why this information is highlighted in the form header, in alignment with the colors of the various menus.

These developments are the result of expressing your needs. We thank you for contributing to the improvement of Provacy!