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Version 5.1.3

Nous espérons que vous profitez de vos vacances estivales et faites le plein de soleil ! À votre retour, vous aurez le plaisir de découvrir la dernière version de Provacy enrichie de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

With this version, edit the standard contractual clauses from a processing or contract cards according to the models proposed by the European Commission (Standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors and Standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation).

Copy the measures from one object to others. Processing or contract cards using these objects will be automatically updated (function reserved for administrators).

Copy the measures:

Do you use the exchange areas at the bottom of the form pages? Now, the addition of a comment can be notified by email to the DPO team:

Request activation of the email from Provacy Support!

Is your register important and its display is slow? Choose to display the summary only, with links on the files:

Request implementation from Provacy Support.

Creation of the Tool expert role which allows the user to modify only the tools associated with them. Request its activation from Support.

A new shortcut on the list of Data Controllers:

Do not hesitate to give us your feedback.

Discover Version 5.1.2

Keeping up the pace! This version lays the groundwork for the automatic editing of contractual clauses between controllers and subcontractors.

What's New

Association of Third Parties from the Data Table : No more switching between different tabs to manage your third parties (subcontractors, partners, etc.). You can now associate them directly from the data table. Your existing data is automatically imported into the new field, providing a seamless experience.

Addition of the Data Table Component for Subcontracting Contracts : With this update, you can now manage data related to subcontracting contracts in the same way as for processing activities. The data is also carried over from your existing records, making this update seamless for users.

User Information Mechanism : Documentation for these updates will be presented to users within the relevant tabs.

Improved Navigation : For your visual comfort, we have enhanced the toolbar and the visibility of navigation tabs in forms. At a glance, you can now access essential features more easily.

Improved Response Times : We have optimized performance to reduce response times when opening and closing records, especially for large instances.

Feel free to share your feedback with us!

Comme des princes !

On vous appelle le 18 juin à vous rendre tous au Parc des Princes. Provacy sera bien là au rendez-vous du Printemps des DPO. Crampons exigés.

Version 5.1.0

Spring is already here, bringing in a fresh season and a new update! We've revamped security breach notifications, polished up security measures, and added some flair with sleek user profile landing pages. There's a subtle reorganization of the list toolbar, convenient new menus for swift data access, and a bunch of other little tweaks to make the app smoother and more enjoyable.

And at the heart of this new version, there's a small revolution that rethinks how Provacy is used. A contact interface designed for easy communication with the outside world. An email address is all you need for:

Submit a request for rights (access, rectification, erasure, etc.).

Easily respond to article 12 of the GDPR: requests are submitted on Tchatch then processed in Provacy.

Report processing or data breaches to be investigated by the DPO team.

Without a user account or password, this solution allows businesses to punctually report their Processing - or Data Breaches - by simply completing a questionnaire.

Check the compliance of your subcontractors by inviting them to respond to a questionnaire.

Retrieve the information enabling you to comply with Article 28 of the GDPR and collect the guarantee information put in place by your subcontractors.

Subscribe now to enjoy it!

Enhancement of the Data Breaches Form

In response to several requests, the form has been enriched to align with the data protection authority's reporting requirements.

Two new fields on the Tab : Origin and Cause of the Incident. The Type field now offers 3 new responses with dependent fields: Integrity Loss, Confidentiality Loss, Availability Loss.

7 new fields on the Tab: Nature of Data, Other Data, Sensitive Data, Affected Individuals, Other Affected Individuals, Approximate Number of Affected Individuals, Impacts for Individuals.

 Security Measures, two modifications:

  • The recommendation of measures is activated on all instances.
  • The color of the measures in the catalog lightens when they are selected.

A simpler and more practical homepage for delegates and a streamlined interface.

Business delegates can create new records from the homepage. By default, all delegates will see this new page. Alternatively, you can choose to keep the dashboard as the homepage for delegates. Request your setup from Support.

Reorganization of the command ribbon on lists.

Main menus on black background and shortcuts on the Administration menu

Shortcuts for Entities, Units, Users, Third Parties, and Software & Tools.

Thank you for your valuable contributions, and keep pushing us forward with all your great ideas!

2024 !


Nous vous souhaitons une belle année 2024 et nos meilleurs vœux de réussite dans tous vos projets. 

A l'heure des bonnes résolutions, nous prévoyons d'étoffer l'application Provacy pour vous fournir de nouveaux services que vous êtes nombreux à attendre. Au menu cette année :

  • ​​​​​la réalisation d'Analyses d'Impact,
  • la génération des clauses de sous-traitance (Article 28),
  • une interface facilitant les dépôts et réponses aux demandes de droits (Article 12),
  • une section Audit dédiée à nos partenaires.

Nous sommes ouverts à toutes vos suggestions pour préciser et compléter cette liste. Désireux de connaître votre avis afin de garantir que l'outil réponde au mieux à vos attentes, nous vous proposons de rejoindre un « Club Utilisateur ». Dans le cadre de ces projets de développements, nous vous convierons à des ateliers visio de discussion. Pour participer, faites nous part dès maintenant des sujets qui vous intéressent.

En route pour de nouvelles aventures et encore une excellente année  !

Lionnel Cauvy & Marie Joubert

Vous avez été bien sages !

Chers clients, chers partenaires,

Cette année mouvementée s'achève et vient l'heure du premier bilan.

  • La continuité de l'activité est maintenant bien assurée au sein de la nouvelle structure Provacy SAS. Nous sommes heureux de poursuivre l'aventure avec vous !
  • Vous bénéficiez déjà, pour la plupart d'ente vous, de la dernière version 5 pour laquelle nous recevons des retours très positifs.
  • Nous facilitons le travail collaboratif pour les utilisateurs Européens avec l'ajout de trois nouvelles langues (le portugais, l'allemand et le néerlandais) et la simplification de la fonctionnalité multilingue (pour en savoir plus, consultez cette page).
  • Vous pouvez maintenant consulter l'aide depuis notre nouveau guide pratique, destiné à s'étoffer au fil du temps, et dès maintenant accessible en ligne :

Tout cela a été possible grâce à votre patience, votre soutien et vos contributions.

En guise de remerciement, nous avons le plaisir de vous offrir deux nouvelles fonctionnalités. Parce qu'en matière de traitement de données la transparence renforce la confiance des parties prenantes, vous trouverez au pied du sapin ces nouveaux outils de communication :

  • l'édition automatisée de vos mentions d'information - 7 modèles proposés par la CNIL, à adapter à votre convenance,
  • un registre public, à destination de certaines catégories de personnes, à insérer dans vos sites internet ou intranet, ou pour compléter votre charte de protection des données.

La nouvelle version sera livrée à partir de ce soir 17h sur les instances déjà en version 5. Pour une présentation complète, consultez cette page.

Nous avons encore beaucoup à faire pour nous faire connaître et nous développer. N'hésitez donc pas à parler de nous !

Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à tous !

Provacy SAS : le making-of

"Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed."

Antoine Lavoisier

From the past with Cilex ...

Dear customers, after almost 20 years at your service, Mr. Frédéric Thu, founder of the Cabinet Cilex and, at the origin of the Provacy application, is going to experience new adventures and take on new challenges. We, his former collaborators and employees, thank him for these past years and all the good times experienced. And we wish him success and great success for all his new projects.

As Cilexians, we have supported and developed the RETIL applications (some still use it!) and its successor Provacy, your application. Since its inception in 2016 and its launch as early as 2017, a year before the GDPR came into effect. Until today. With great dedication and always with the goal of providing quality service to all our users.

... to the future with Provacy

Today, we are changing banners but the team remains the same. Thus Cilex becomes Provacy and we carry the torch that Frédéric passes on to us to bring the application to life among its users. It didn't take us long to come up with a company name as "Provacy" was so obvious.

Our application, our core business. We will concentrate all our efforts there. With all the quality requirement learned previously. And with a strong desire to get closer to you, our customers, to support you and simplify your daily task.

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