01 84 16 38 69

61 rue de Lyon
75012 Paris

la solution


Retrieve all the data from your current register and much more with Provacy! The app seamlessly integrates with your user directory for automatic login, syncing your organizational structure with systems through SOAP or REST APIs.

Facile et sûre

A mere web browser is all you need;
we take care of the rest. No technical hassles – we host your application in a dedicated and secure environment, provide training on the tool, and offer user guides directly accessible from the interface.

Souple et adaptive

Our solution is designed to adapt to all situations. Whether you prefer leveraging a vast network of delegates or maintaining control and working with a select committee, providing the ability for third parties to interact seamlessly, or managing a community, university, association, SME, or a large multinational corporation and needing to maintain your register in Polish for one of your subsidiaries – our collaborative platform will meet your needs regardless of the context or approach.


We are attentive to your feedback to continuously enhance our application according to your needs. We welcome any specific development requests and invite you to join our user community to collaboratively shape the application that suits you best.


Une qualité de service maximale alliée à une une politique de prix bas. Provacy est fourni en abonnement annuel à des tarifs nettement inférieurs à ceux pratiqués par la concurrence. Bref, vous n'avez *objectivement* aucune raison valable de ne pas nous choisir.

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